(Picture is from an old trail ride at the old barn)
On the plus side I have a new plan(: I always come up with silly plans for my life, heck I am a young adult, I have a lot of dreams and wants. But, even this plan mommy likes, that normally doesnt happen. PLAN - First graduate RN school, buy a truck (mom is buying the trailer) (I want this before any more horses! I am tired of relying on others), then one of two things A) adopt a rescue horse or B) get a barrel racer, which either happens first the other one must happen next. Thats the plan. Plus, there is a horse, and I loved her dearly when we use to board at the same place as her. Her name is Lacey, she is a QH, and a BEAST in halter, western pleasure (blehk) and Hunter under Saddle. She has placed and won some at Quarter horse Congress. I would love to buy her, and breed her to a TB or another beast of a QH. but that can only happen after everything else in plan, well maybe....I REALLY WANT HER. maybe she can be after trailer before A and B. I wish I had a picture of her on the laptop to show you guys. Anyways there is a the plan, as of today.
1 comment:
I love trail rides, but I rarely go out alone. I think that's what makes the biggest difference. Having someone to talk to keeps it from getting boring. :)
It's good to have dreams. Work hard and you'll have them.
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