Friday, January 20, 2012


So everyone has their own opinions of if horses need jackets and hoods, and from the picture above I guess you can guess my position. Pippi owns more jackets then I do (Spoiled Much?). 

Now some horses don't need jackets. I am sure Pippi would grow a thicker coat if she didnt have jackets on, but I dont want a thicker coat. Where we live one day it will be 20F and have freezing rain, then the next day it will be 55F and sunny. Pippi (and I) don't do well being cold, or hot. While riding if I allowed her to have a full coat she would get hot and by the time I get to warm up she is already sweating and I have to spend more time cooling her off and drying her then I did riding - I dont have much time as it. So Pippi wears jackets. I make sure she isnt getting hot in her jackets and she only has her hood on when it is indeed COLD and snowing. Some day she gets jackets put on and taken off two or three times depending on how weather is. Thank goodness she normally is fine with it. She even enjoys her hood. If I think she doesnt need it and she believes she does she refuses to go out and backs up in her stall. If I put it on her she walks right out and turns around to look at me for candy or hay. 
Like I said spoiled.

Thats what is going on with Pippi. 
Now Haven. I was feeling creative one day and took pictures of the cats.

 I L-O-V-E love this picture ^^

 Jingle Belle(moms cat) playing with Tim. I promise she is playing ^^

Stumpy suntanning(:

 And Taj thinks she is a model(: ^^


Dom said...

My horse grows a TON of hair in the winter. When we're in training for endurance he gets clipped and blanketed like whoa to make up for it. This winter he's resting. I'll admit I've missed his fuzz.

Here's Ozzy in one of his hoods:

And his 'favorite' pink argyle blanket:

Edward said...

Nice gear, love the red of the hood and the yellow of the rug together, very stylish. Our horses have grown more of a coat than they normally would because we had some of our rugs stolen so they didn’t have anything but really heavyweight ones left, which obviously they couldn’t wear when it was just a little chilly or they’d get to hot.

Great photos of the cats they sure are characters. The last photo of the pony is good too they’re very cute.

Carol said...

Nice to 'meet' you :) Thanks for following my blog. Great blanket / hood. Your rationale for blanketing makes sense.

Achieve1dream said...

Yikes I'm way behind again. Have to run out to visit with a friend, but I'll come back and get caught up asap. I responded to your comment on Chrome's blog. So you don't have to go track it down, here it is.

"Miranda, pretty sure I know what you're saying and I agree. He has nice conformation and is put together well. He has just enough of the Friesian body type (upright neck/sloping haunches) in him to satisfy me lol."

Achieve1dream said...

Pippi is so cute! I think if I put that hood on Chrome he would absolutely destroy it lol. He's too playful. :) I don't think there is anything wrong with blanketing so long as you do it right (exactly like you are). It's the people who put blankets on in October and don't take them off again until March that bother me!!

All of the pictures are adorable. You have such cute pets.