Wednesday, March 7, 2012

big Big B-I-G BIG News!

Are you ready?

Are you sure?


Drum Roll Pleaseeeee.........!


Yes that is right. Finally I have heard back after worrying and stressing and the whole nine yards and I got into the one I was desperately wanting in. I heard back about the other two also but didnt get into them. Really I heard back from the two last week and was bummed when I didnt make the cut. But there was still hope Peter would want me. AND HE DID. I am so excited. Sitting in class after I found out was the worst, learned nothing!

The clinic is Schooling Hunters and Jumpers for Success: Exercises to Improve the Horse's Performance and Technique. The description- Me Leone is looking to select up to six horses and riders for this session. This session will feature a solid overview of the core fundamentals of track, stride, and riding the horse from behind both on the flat and over fences. Preference will be given to horses/ponies who can command a 2'9-3' course at a B horse show and above and for eventers who show at Beginner Novice and above.

Thats right 6 horses! We had heard that 150 horses/riders applied for Peter's clinics. I GOT IN.
Here is the video I sent in just in case I hadn't showed you or you would like to see it again.

 In the video we are only jumping up to 2'9. I had told them they could look at other videos posted but I dont know if he did or not. Also I am riding in the back yard of the barn - no arena - and you see Kevin and the neighbor sitting in the truck smoking. I had youtube-d Equine Affaire Applications to see if anyone else had named their videos that or tagged them like that and there were some awesome high class videos and arena. Plus I didnt find any other Paint. YAY for Paints.

So If you are going to Equine in Ohio, and are walking thru the barns see if you spot Pippi or is. I will decorate the stall - of course - and post a picture of our signs so you will know for sure. (:


Unknown said...

Awesome! Ill look out for you there!

Theresa said...

Congratulations! I'll stop by and say "Hi"!

Miranda said...

The clinic is on Friday. We are going up on Thursday and will be leaving Saturday just in case someone is there(:

Dom said...

that's awesome!

S. Lauren said...

Congrats on getting into the clinic, I'm excited for you! Share some of the stuff you learn! I like your video too, both of you are really good at jumping.

Katie said...

Congrats! You'll have to let us know how it goes/post a video if you can!

Liz said...


I WILL be there and I WILL look for you and I WILL take photos of you!

What day/time/arena-area is the clinic in? We're getting in Thursday night and will be there through Sunday mid-morning.

Kelly said...

YEAH!!!! Congrats :) So very happy for you - will be a great experience for you and Pippi.

Just bummed that the clinic is on Friday - we are not able to attend EA until Saturday.

Boss Mare Eventing said...

Congrats! A great learning experience...

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!! Way to go! One of the horses I sold is also going to the clinic, his name is DESOTO. :) I hope to make it out there, I'll make sure to say HI!

Emmi said...

Hey there! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following!

Jessica said...

Congrats!!! I'm super happy for you!!

Achieve1dream said...

That is so FANTASTIC!!! I am so excited for you!! I can't wait to hear how it goes. Will your mom be taking video?? I hope so. Congrats!! You totally deserve to go and I'm glad they saw that. :D

Ruth said...

Yay!! Congrats.