Tuesday, March 13, 2012

At least I had my helmet.

I have been trail riding Pippi a lot lately. She seemed bored doing flat work lately and so trail rides it is. Sunday after the mini horse club meeting my friend A and I went on a trail ride. We were having so much fun. I made sure to grab my helmet since we who'd more like be running up hills, and crossing traffic at one point. Pippi mostly followed A's horse but decided she would take te lead once. Then it happened. Pippi spooked at a rock or something, reared, backed and started to spin around. She ended up running into A's horse who got upset and spun around to kick. He ended up kicked me in the ankle and got Pippi with his other leg. Pippi takes off, I fall off and roll down a hill with briers. Pippi ran off and I can already tell my ankle is broken. Poor A had to go search for Pippi while I chilled out on the ground and call my mom. A got Pippi and mom started to hike out to find us. When mom got there she got me up on A's horse who was more chill and A led him out of the trail and mom took Pippi who had broke her riens. Kevin got the truck and trailer and met us. Got horses loaded, and unloaded. Iwas in the truck and mom wanted me to get in the car but since I was comfy Kevin drove me to the hospital. Got X-rays, waited around forever to find out I broke both my Tibia and Fibula right above the ankle. Joy. They out it in a splint and gave me meds (that I ended up being allergic to).

Yesterday I went to the specialist and he was shocked that the hospital sent me home. He informed us that he was a complicated break and that I may need rods put in with pins. Great. He called another doctor who thinks he can push the bones together and cast it. So Wednesday I am going back in, they are putting me under and setting my leg.

Equine Affaire is now out of the question. I am on couch rest untill told otherwise. I am not allowed to even go to school to take my finals for the quarter. Fun fun fun. I am pretty bummed about it all. And in a lot of pain. I probably won't be on much. Can't ride for awhile, or walk, or drive.


Liz said...

But, at least you had your helmet. Its the tiny bit of positive amidst the negative. :-\

Quick healing and wishes your way!! Tib-fib fractures are hefty stuff. Pippi should be catering to your every need, if only she had thumbs...

Unknown said...

Oh man! I am so sorry to hear that :(

I hope you heal up quick!

L.Williams said...

That sucks I am very sorry! Hopefully it all heals quickly and clean!

Stacey Stearns said...

Sorry about your leg/ankle Miranda! What a bummer, but I am glad you were wearing your helmet! Hope you heal quickly (and they give you meds you're not allergic to).

Kelly said...

Ouch! So sorry to hear about your fall/breaks Miranda! I know how excited to were about Equine Affair.

Heal quick!

S. Lauren said...

So sorry to hear :(
I hate when freak accidents happen like that and sorry your leg got broken. Not sure when Equine Affair is but I hope you can still make it or at least audit the clinic if you can't ride.
Bummer. :(

Ruth said...

Ouch that sounds so painful! Sorry to hear you'll be missing out on Equine Affair. What a crappy situation.

Katie said...

Sorry to hear that you got hurt! What a bummer about Equine Affair. Hope you get well soon!

Jessica said...

Oh no, I'm so sorry you are going to be out for a while. I hope they are able to fix it easily and you heal fast.

GraceEquestrian said...

Aww I am so sorry that happened to you. Feel better!

Achieve1dream said...

Oh no!!! I'm so sorry this happened. :( I'm glad it was just a leg and that you were wearing your helmet. I hope the briars didn't tear you up too much. Those things HURT!! I hope they get you something to get rid of the pain and I hope you don't have to have rods/pins. Keeping you in my thoughts. Sorry about Equine Affair. That really sucks. We're here for you, even if you don't feel like posting for a while.

Theresa said...

I'm glad you'll be OK. As inconvenient as it is, that is what is important. Bummer about Equine Affaire. Can you get a 'rain check' for next year? I'll be there as a spectator, I was going to root for you :-) Hopefully next year!